Thursday 4 July 2013

For Divya...

Illavarasan who we talk about in this article committed suicide just moments after this article was written.

For Divya...
Please don’t scold Divya, please don’t talk about her love with cheap words, “this society’s bloodied hate is like tasting fishes taken of the gutter” these are regular customs of this sick society. But, I tell you this isn’t common.
Ilavarasan and Divya need no introduction but for the sake of the readers here I write, The marriage caused the town of Dharmapuri to go up in flames, Divya’s father hanged himself in shame which was followed by number of honour killings in the town.

For ten months the couple led happy family life, then Divya who left to vist on her ailing mother never returned. Illavarasan tried hard to make communication with his wife but was in vain, then as the story goes the final verdict goes to court. Illavarasan files HCP (Habeas corpus petition) to find his wife.

According to the petition the missing or the person considered to be abducted has to be produced in front the judge by the police. So as it happened Divya appeared on court, but not as Illavarasan’s Divya but as her mother’s daughter. The mother metaphorically carried her daughter in her arms.

“Nobody had abducted me, I went to visit my mother on my own accord, my mother is sick and has nobody to look after her so I would want to stay with my mother now, moreover I am confused and am not willing to go with my husband, Illavarasan.” She said on court benignly.

The reporters flocked on her after her appearance on court and took several pictures of her from several angles. When we take a closer look the expressions of “Divya’s face” was a picture of the situation in the society.

As the crowds and public took out their frustrations the girls on the other side however her relatives were overjoyed considering that they have won their case on court. Illavarasan became distraught and depressed. This situation words could not condole his grief. The feeling is mutual shared between the hearts of the couple.

In a nation where women are still “clay dolls” Divya is no exception. On this day as this article is being written the court has put an end to the “love marriage” of the couple.

“The memories of my father come back to haunt me and I am not willing anymore to be Illavarasan’s wife and I have prepared myself live my life with my mother, and I am never going back to being his wife.” says Divya in her statement.

Would Divya made this decision on her own accord?? Is not an question to be answered by psychoanalysts, any common man with grips with the society could answer this.

When shows results of both when either of their name is searched for, can they be separated by people? With several of newspapers and magazines publishing the only picture of the couple they have together will that be separated?? The public will talk about this over a cup of tea and move on will the lives of those involved be able to move on is the real question.

It is blood that runs in our hearts on petrol or diesel.

Instead of living a life in someone else’s unforgettable memory brining them together is the right way to go.

Alright now lets get down to business, we may not know on which conditions Divya is able to talk like this, but there has to be an agreement which has happened.

Illavarasan’s life may or may not be in jeopardy, now in a few days Divya might get married again .

On coming years just Divya and Illavarasan, many names from many places love marriages will keep happening….

Author : chandrapal .

Translation by Obed Joshua .

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